Stacy Sheehan-Wilson, employee
If money were no object, how would you spend your time?
I’d spend time just as I am. As a family, we’ve made choices to be brave. We moved from Colorado, having always loved water, I left corporate to be an artist, and our boys are young enough to like having me around. My husband works his IT gig remotely, which rocks. When not at Page and Palette or reading, I tell people’s stories through upcycling their clothing and photos into pillows or quilts and help people work through grief by doing the same. We watch sunsets on the bay, run the bluffs, picnic on beaches, and grin. Ain’t life grand?
What books impacted your life the most and how?
My guy, Dickens has his finger on the pulse of humanity, so “A Christmas Carol” inspires. Dickens gifts us with a scathing social commentary set during Christmas, a season of hope, blatantly begging the masses to see that moral and social redemption is possible. Scrooge, my ultimate hero has the courage to face the life he’s created, reject it, and create a new one--- instantly. Scrooge redeems himself and saves the world, one Christmas goose at a time. This gem teaches me that every choice is either serving me and the greater good…or not. I’m shooting for more Christmas geese.
Tell us something about you that would surprise most of the people who think they know you?
The vision is to grow my cottage industry into a national movement that improves the lives of seniors and their loved ones. My intended scope is surprising! I want to capture life stories to lessen the pain of transition because, when moving into care, the loss of a home is felt by all. What if I can give “home” back? Favorite tablecloths, curtains, even towels keep people rooted in their past as they shift into what can be a scary new present. Quilts and pillows and my vision, It’s Not a Closet; It’s a Life help people heal and remember.