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Jane Sellier - "The Dance In The Kitchen" (BOOK SIGNING ONLY)


Traveling is a wonderful occupation. One need not have a particular destination in mind - just going places is fulfilling and rewarding. My husband and I were full-time RV'ers for five years and traveled throughout the United States and Canada. I discovered soon enough, however, that visiting many different locations is one thing but remembering where we'd been was quite another. I found that sketching was the answer to fixing in my mind places that I wanted to remember.
My first book, SKETCHES FROM THE RV YEARS, is full of colorful drawings of many of the places that my husband and I visited. Hopefully, it will inspire you to travel to some of the places you'll see in the pages and there's even space for you to make your own sketches or comments. Traveling is a great thing and this book can be used as a travel guide for you. Coming back from vacation with a full sketchbook is a tangible sign that you've had a good time.

My second book, THE DANCE IN THE KITCHEN, covers my life on a 280 acre farm in central Illinois from early childhood to high school when we moved to town. The cover art and illustrations are my work except for one illustration done by two friends of mine. I hope it shows that even without electricity, indoor plumbing, tv, computers or video games, a kid can still have fun.