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Abe Partridge - Every Monday Night in December


December Monday Night Artist in Residence - Abe Partridge

5:00pm-7:00pm / Dec. 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th

In my short 37 years, I have lived a tale that few before me could have claimed. I'm a son of the deep south. On both sides, my family traces its roots back generations to the cotton fields of Alabama. I was born and raised in the port city, Mobile. She is lined with Spanish moss-covered oaks that date back further than the Confederacy, antebellum homes, and remnants on every corner of her troubled past. Held by the French and Spanish, it holds much the same character as its sister city, New Orleans. Earning her the title “the Southern Baptist New Orleans”.... because just as thick as the culture in this town, is the religion that has tempered it. Like most other southern towns, it is saddled with churches of every sort and bridled by their politics.

My mother was a piano teacher/church pianist. She took me to church every week where I was saturated with the hymns of the old red-back hymnal. My father had an extensive collection of rock n roll records. He had dubbed a cassette of the White Album that I would play on a toy cassette player next to my bed as a kid. I guess my earliest musical memories are Precious Lord and Helter Skelter. Then came the year punk broke. I fell hard for rock n roll when I picked up Nevermind, and I really haven't been the same since.

Baptists and punks don't really jive that well. And after a few years of trying to force them into compatibility, I had a religious experience and put aside rock n roll for a leather-back bible. After graduating high school, I headed off to bible college. It seemed like the right thing to do. I didn't do so hot in bible school. I transferred out of the first two I attended after only one semester. I spent two years in another, and one final year in yet another. That's right... 4 bible colleges in 4 years. Partly because I knew better, partly because I couldn't stand to be told what to do, and partly because I am a drifter at heart – I just never could get comfortable in that type of environment.

There was a pawn shop just down the street from one of the bible schools I attended.. I went down on one rainy afternoon and bought a banjo. I thought it was cool. I was playing Cripple Creek in a few weeks. My love for making music began.


Earlier Event: November 29
Wild Mercury Sound
Later Event: December 3
Page and Palette Book Club Meet Up!